The Loxemdou Family
- Hais and Millis wed in 2520 - Hais was a secretary in the President's Mansion, and Millis worked as a Gamemaker.
- Vixith was born in 2521. He became a soldier right out of school, then went on to become a trainer for the Tributes during the games. He married Millio in 2525. She was also a trainer for the games, the medical plants trainer. He continued this job until President Snow required him to snuff out secret rebellions from 2560 onward. He was killed in a hovercraft battle in District 2. Millis continued to live throughout the war.
- Frell was the second born of Hais and Millis, in 2530. She grew up with a best friend, Junith. When she finished high-school, and and Junith grew closer than regular friends. They began seeing each other secretly. Frell worked as a stylist for the women of the Capitol until 2559 - when her sister wed the President's son. Frell's own parents requested she be exiled from the Capitol due to her sexuality. President Snow, although not against Frell's choice, abided and sent Frell and Junith both to District Two, where they lived and still live in relative peace.
- Magare was the final child, born in 2537, on the eve of the 44th Hunger Games. She was a good child, and when she was 14 she met the 16 year old President's Son, Klide. They became a couple shortly afterwards. When she graduated, she became an Escort for District One, leading many children to victory. She quit her job in 2559, for she married Klide. She visited her exiled sister often. But stopped when she had her first child in 2565. Her last child followed 10 years later. She and her husband were riding out to see Frell when rebels attacked the train and it crashed, killing both.
- Millis is the first born cousin, born in 2555. Because his father was a General, Millis was quick to place ranks. However, he stepped away from his position for a few years to marry Jollene and have twin girls in 2579. He returned just in time for the war, and regained his rank of Commander by the time he was killed in the Nut in District Two.
The Snow Family
- President Gegorius Snow was born in 2489, in just before the heat of the first revolution. He was a smart boy and used it to his advantage, creating bombs and traps for the rebels. By the time he was 16 and the war was over, he was well respected. He became the Head Gamemaker soon after he finished school. Due to his great games, and the current president's untimely accidental death he was elected President. In 2534 his girlfriend became pregnant, and he quickly married her. Their relationship was wraught with frequent fights, but perfect to the public. Their first and only child was born in 2434, and each had many affairs outside their marriage. Gegorius died at the end of the second war due to being crushed by a horde of people at his execution.
- Klide was born in 2534 to two newlyweds, a President and his new First Lady. He, like
his father, was an extremely bright child and worked to produce many pods within the city walls. He married his childhood sweetheart in 2559 and had his first child in 2565, and his second in 2575. He and his wife were on a trip to District Two when they were attacked and both died in a train crash.
- Mickie was born December 27th, 2565. She was an intelligent and stunning child, and had complete openness about her disdain for the Districts. She made friends easily, and is very trusting. However, she was put to the test, when in April of 2581 she was thrown into the final, 76th Hunger games along with many of her friends. She was able to win and return home, but was crushed with news of her brother's death.
- Zione was born just seven months before his parents' death in 2575. He was a very open boy and many loved him. however, when he was imprisoned at age 6 by the rebels, he grew to only know his sister. While she was away in the Games, he died from food poisoning.