Chapter Five

I snuck out. I went to the Elevator and just left. It was surprisingly easy. From the way they treated me before, as if I was an armed criminal, this was a complete 180. No guards, nothing. I could have left the building if it werent so cold, and if I knew someone was out there to find me. Instead I returned to the Elevator and rode up to Level 10. The door opened silently and I was able to slide all the way down the hall, and into the room marked with Shia's name. Then I climbed into the bed next to him and cried.
I dont cry easily. I only remember crying 4 times in my life. When my parents died. When I heard the Rebels had gotten to the Capitol. When my grandfather died. When I was alone in my room. Shia had been there to see me cry twice: with my parents and the Rebels.
We had been watching Hunger Games reruns in my room when I was told. I was only 12, and he 13, and we'd only really known each other from these TV sessions and around school. But after he comforted me that first time, we bonded. i knew he was there for me, and he knew he could trust me. So we bonded. That's why, when the Rebels got into the Capitol, instead of going to Ana with my fears, I went to him. And that's why I come to him now.
After bawling for a few minutes, he stirred next to me, rolling over so he was facing me. The boy startled for a moment before regaining his composure and pulling me into him.
Around 3 a.m I stopped the waterworks and Shia and I just laid there in silence. I gulped before putting my hand on his cheek. I could feel the warmth of his face, and then I leaned in. "Shia...I...Can we...?" I trailed off, unable to even ask for it.
I saw his smile in the darkness. But he gently moved my hand off my face and held it. "I love you. You know I do. But not like that, Mickie."
"But I just wanna... Please, Shia?"
He shook his head, moving so you were both sitting up against the headboard. I was soon placed between his legs, resting my head on his chest. It was soothing to hear and feel his heart beat. Shia rested his chin on the top of my head and sighed. "You want something meaningful, not something fake, Mickie. I know that. Doing it now would be wrong."
I nodded my agreement and sighed. With Shia rubbing my sides I was asleep within minutes.
We woke the next morning to blaring alarms. I glanced at the flashing clock to see it was 9 in the morning. Shia quickly threw me his robe and he pulled on a sweater and we both ran into the hall. When Fulvia - a Capitol traitor - saw me, she screamed, pointed, and then ran to get the other mentor. I glanced at Shia.
"Were they looking for me?" came my meak voice. Shia glanced first at Satin - who had no particular loyalty to any Capitolites - then at me.
"Mickie, why do you think you were always in the background of President Snow's announcements? He had you there to show he had humanity. You did all those interviews and whenever you went to help the refugees there were cameras. You're like Katniss."
I didnt get it. i was never the face of the Capitol's side of the war. i was just there for my grandpa. I shook my head. "No. I was there to support him."
He shook his head. "That's why they tried to get you out of the city. They need a face for people to go behind." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "You were the prettiest and most known face in the Capitol. That's why the Rebel's cant loose you." I frowned. That's why I was being guarded, because I was the face of the Capitol. I didnt even know I had anything to do with the war, other than caring for the refugees from further out in the Capitol. And my grandpa didnt even tell me he was using me. No one told me.
Suddenly, the idea of banging Shia disgusted me and I walked back to the elevator. However, when it opened, there stood about five guards, Gale, Plutarch, and President Paylor. Their battle gear - save for Plutarch, who just sighed in relief at finding me - was daunting while I was standing here in a meak little robe. Gale waved to the men behind him and they caught my arms. Then I started fighting back.
"You cant do this!" I shouted, as they pulled me in the elevator. Paylor just gave me a look before turning away. "I have rights dont I?!"
"You have about as many rights as the Capitol gave us," snapped Gale. I watched Shia as the doors slid shut, then turned back to my 'mentor'.
"We gave you savages as many rights we could give without loosing control," I hissed. I felt the guards, obviously from some District, tighten their hold on me, and then I glared. Gale was about to respond, but a glance from the new President shut him up. We made it up to level 12 without anyone saying anything. As soon as we made it to the top floor, there stood Dovie, Slaier, Nicolli, Marek - a man I used to have do my hair, Gale answered my request and had him come - and Slaier's prep team. Slaier just glared, probably angry the alarm woke him up.
Paylor and the guards just stayed in the elevator, but Gale shoved me into District 12's suite. The dark haired boy nodded to Plutarch before grabbing the back of my collar and practically dragging me into my room. He sat me on the bed, and was about to leave when I spoke up, "Hey!"
It wasnt a rude shout. In fact, I thought it was kind of wimpy. Gale paused, crossing his arms over his chest and then turning to me. "What?"
I stood up and debated crossing the room and standing near him. But I decided otherwise. "You know the interviews you did when Katniss was in the Games." His jaw clenched. I guess he didnt like the mentioning of his former best friend. His former major love interest. I figured I wouldnt press that any further and went on. "Who are they going to interview when they do my part?"
I had no one left. My best friends were entering the arena with me. My parents were dead. my grandfather killed. I only had Zione left, and he was too young to understand what's going on. Gale's eyes softened for a moment, but he shrugged. "They'll ask around, find some friends -"
"But I dont have any friends!" I blurted out, grimacing. "They're all in the games with me."
"Then they'll ask around about who your other friends are. Workers in the mansion. Nicolli and Marek. They may attempt to interview your brother," he paused. "They'll ask me."
I froze. If he gave an interview about me, I was surly not going to get ANY sponsors. I was dead meat. Suddenly, my fearful voice was gone and I was glaring at him. My transformation caused him to harden his eyes. "What'll you say about me?"
"Nothing expecially good, nothing expecially bad." He said in even words. I glared before telling him to leave. I was alone for a minute before Marek and Nicolli entered the room. I smiled lightly at them. Marek went right to work on my nails and Nicolli drapped some garment bags over the bed and neatly set a few pairs of shoes in the corner.
When I was polished and neat, I was being dressed. Marek had left the room to give me privacy and Nicolli and I were alone. I didnt speak and neither did she.
Soon I was in a stunning black ball gown, complete with pleats and bows. It was great. It only got better when she called Marek back in and he latched a pretty pearl necklace around my neck, and then gorgeous pearl drop earrings in. I was in awe of myself as I watched them in the mirror. Nicolli pulled out comfy looking flats and I slipped them on. I didnt mind flats, I actually adore heels. But whatever she wants, I'll do. There's no sense in making a stylist hate you. They dabbed makeup on, my dramatic eyes from yesterday. Lipstick, some blush. Not over the top or anything. When they stepped away, Marek smirked.
"You're a shoe-in to be the next Katniss. You're even prettier than she."
I grinned. "Gosh yes. And dont worry Marek, you're much prettier than Peeta too."
Nicolli bowed her head and moved to clean up, while Marek and I made fun of the Rebels. "I know, right!" Marek grinned, giving me his best Peeta look. "They're so fake, though."
"Yeah, I mean, sure they were in to die for outfits, but they've never been in ones like those. It's like shoving a mutt into a slinky red dress. It just doesnt fit."
"Dont deserve to be here."
"Oh, I cant top that, Marek!" I squealed. That's why I missed my hair dresser. He would always say whatever I wanted to hear. I was giggling with the man when there was a low grumble by the door. I turned me head, to find Gale, along with Dovie, glowering at us. Of course, we just insulted them. I merely smirked, while Marek - who is a people pleaser and hates people hating on him - wimped out and ducked his head. I didnt see as he shirked away and towards Nicolli. I just stared with blank eyes at the two District people standing in front of me.
I rose a delicate eyebrow. "Yea?"
Neither spoke, until Dovie shoved her elbow into Gale's side. The 19 year old grimaced before speaking, "Our party is leaving soon. Be out there in five minutes."
They were about to turn around when I smirked. "Or what? You'll leave without me?"
Dovie continued out - probably hating me. Gale just faced away. "We physically force you out."
"Whatever," I muttered, glaring at the back of his dark head. He slammed the door shut on the way out. When I walked off my platform to leave Marek frowned.
"Where are you going?"
I gave him a grin. "I dont want their hands on this fabulous dress, Marek! I'll cooperate, for now."
I saw Marek's face fall and then I sauntered to the elevator. My three other companions gave me glares, even Slaier - who looked even cuter than yesterday in his great suit - but I ignored them and we all continued down to the bottom floor.As soon as the doors cracked open an inch, I lifted up the front of my dress to jog over to Ana as she talked to Shia and Kaulke. I didnt see Plaite, but he must be here somewhere.
I hooked arms with Ana and we chatted for a few minutes before Snake and Water took their leave into the city. I watched Water with a sad face. Her cute button nose was red, even after they tried covering it with makeup. Her eyes were bloodshot. But she looked so adorable in her little gold princess dress. I could hardly give a flying monkey about Snake.
Ana, Kaulke, Shia, and I continued talking as others left. I noticed we were all in the same color as yesterday, and no one had fantastically stupid outfits - like District 7's tree costumes from the Quarter Quell last year. We were all in probably used clothing, the stylists had to make due with what could be found in closets around the Capitol. But we all looked stunning, I saw that right away.
Eventually, Kaulke left us, then Ana, and the boy and I were left all alone.
"i dont wanna talk about last night," I said slowly, when the awkward silence came over us. Shia bit his lip.
Then he left, and soon it was only Slaier and I, with out mentors having left long ago. I walked over and stared him up and down. "We have to be friends," I stated.
"I'm not listening to some Capitol doll."
I glared, stepping onto the chariot. "I like you. I actually think you're kind of gorgeous, but if you threaten me or my friends in that arena, this 'district' thing is out. I have deadly nails," I cat-scratched the air next to the boys head and grinned. He merely rose his brow. Maybe he will try to hurt me and Ana. Then maybe I will have to use my nails. I was contemplating this as our chariot was drawn out into the crowd.
And I must say, for barbarians, the district people were being surprisingly civil. No food throwing like I thought there would be. Instead it was cheering. Not for me, but for Slaier. I dont think I heard 'whoo Mickie Snow' even once. I didnt mind, I just stood there smiling and waving.
When we finally arrived back at the mansion, I was relieved. Ana was quick to pull me away from Slaier and into the auditorium, where it was packed to the rim with people wanting to personally witness the interviews. When all the tributes were sitting, two people strode out. I smiled when I saw the familiar Caesar Flickerman, but it disappeared as soon as Johanna Mason stepped out.
Their introduction from Plutarch stated that they were co-hosting.
I watched for a long time as Caesar - his skin a sickly blue, his hair grown out much too long, and wearing District 13 clothing - tried to bring out the good in people while Johanna focused on the bad.
Ana was reduced to tears after Johanna admitted that her uncle was killed. Caesar was cut off when he tried comforting the girl. I watched in horror as my fellow tributes were resolved to tears or yelling matches with this woman. I definatly did not like her anymore. My hatred, and fear, became too much when Slaier was escorted off the stage and they were trying to get me up. I stayed as still as possible, until Caesar, trying to be happy, started cheering me to come on stage. Soon everyone else, including the dreaded Johanna, started pitching in. Needless to say, i was soon sitting right across from the good-cop/bad-cop duo.
"So, Mickie, long time no see, huh?" Caesar started, smiling. I knew him from some parties. But our reunion was interrupted by Johanna leering at me.
"So, you're President Snow's granddaughter?" her question caused many to gasp, although I'm sure that most districts knew this already. I didnt waiver as I nodded. Caesar tried smiling at me.
"So how is your little brother? Zione?"
"Good. Being held captive ba-" I was cut off by Johanna.
"So why were you living with your grandfather instead of your parents?"
I knew my face showed slight sadness, but I quickly pulled it together. "They died in a train crash in District 2 a long time ago."
"We're so sorry, Mickie," Caesar expressed his empathy, but he already knew how my parents had died. Everyone in the Capitol knew. I just shrugged. It was quiet on the stage for a second or two before Caesar spoke up. "So what's your strategy for this memorable Hunger Games?"
I thought for a minute, watching the clock tick backstage. I only had five minutes out here, and still had two left. If I could just stall.
"Well?" Johanna demanded. My eyes turned to slits as I glared at the woman.
"I dont plan on fighting." Both the hosts were confused. "I plan on sticking it out with my friends until you people get bored and let us go."
Caesar was still stunned that I'd said that on television when Johanna sneered. "You know others dont share your ideas? I'm pretty sure Snake and Fara will be two of the front runners in this. Neither are afraid to get down and dirty."
"I'm sure you know a lot about that, Johanna," I retorted. "I could just be playing your cards. Acting weak while I'm not. That's totally me. A liar. A fake."
I stood, knowing that there was still almost a minute. Johanna hardly fazed at my words, and didnt move to block me as I exited the stage. Gale was right there, to yell at me. "Getting them agry wont help! That's how Katniss won her games. She showed she was nice and pretty and strong!"
"No!" I snapped. "She won it through pure chance. Had Peeta not been picked as the other tribute, she would not have had the publicity to win. She's a fake too!"
I left Gale in the dust and was at the Training Center doors within seconds.
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