Chapter Four

I heard someone grumble something behind me and turned quickly. There stood gale, glaring at me, then at my friends. My blush turned to anger, thinking he was about to turn me down. "Come on Snow," he rasped, still looking at Kaulke, who's grin faultered until Marshburn grabbed his tribute's arm and pulled him away. Shia leaned down next to me ear before I had to leave with Gale.
"I hope I kiss better than Kaulke," he purred. I gave him a grin before following after Gale. When we made it to the hovercraft, I was confused.
"Where are we going?" We were now in the air, flying away from the mansion.
"The tribute Tower," came his short reply. I frowned, glaring out the window until we arrived. and since we were District 12, we were probably going up to the top floor. I hated heights. Guess I'll stay away from the windows.
When the elevator dropped us off at the suite, Slaier was already there, lounging on a sofa. I retreated to the chair beside him. He didnt even look at me.
"Everdeen has been locked up. The games are being shown on the television. Claudius Templesmith is still alive. Most people who played any part in the old games are dead or being executed soon."
I gave him a look. I didnt want to know any of that. I just wanted to be in the company of someone other than Gale. I gave him a curt thanks before standing. Behind me there was a sqeak, "Mickie!"
I turned to find my brother, bundled in a comforter. My breathing stopped, and Slaier, appauled by my oncoming tears, left the room. I opened my arms to Zione and let him run to me.
"Zione, where'd you go? Why are you up so late?"
The boy, too tired to answer, fell asleep in my arms a few minutes later. I picked him up in my arms, craddling him, and turned. But suddenly I realized I had no idea where this kid was sleeping. I moved towards the door and Gale appeared, wearing pants but no shirt. I was too involved with my brother that I didnt blush, and looked solely at his face. He, though, seemed uncomfortable.
"Where is he sleeping?" I asked, taking a step towards the man. He took one step back.
Then he regained his composure and pointed at a room down the hall. I started walking off with Zione when Gale called after me. "Get ready, your ... friends will be up soon."
My face lit up, and I turned towards him, grinning. For a moment I forgot that he was the enemy and jogged over to him, leaned up on my tiptoes and gave him the costumary kiss on the nose. He just looked disgusted and I saw my mistake. My face hardened. "Dont worry. It wont happen again. I cant see you even trying to make me happy ever again."
With that i turned sharply, making sure my curled hair whipped the man on his chest. I put Zione to bed and when I had changed into pajamas - a cute little dress that Nicolli had set out for me - the elevator dinged and I had a gaggle of girls in the living room. Slaier came out of his bedroom to see what the noise was about and nearly passed out at the sight of eight girls in their pajamas. Satin, I watched, grinned when she saw the boy, and quickly excused herself to go to the bathroom. I grinned knowingly.
When we all got settled into the couches, we were giggling at something Ana said.
It had already been around midnight when the tribute party had been going on, so after an hour of gossip Eevaline and Rose retreated to the sleeping bags to fall asleep. That left us older girls, except Satin, who hadnt returned from the bathroom yet. Licorice was the first to ensue the adult rated chatter.
"Omg, i cant believe I'll never get to have my boobs done. I've been looking forward to that practically since I turned 18."
"Didnt they have enough silicon left?" Ana commented. I giggled, opening my mouth to talk.
"Not enough to make them as big as Licorice wanted," we all giggled again, and I rolled so my head was in Ana's lap. The blonde took the silence to start her own topic.
"Sooooo....Mickie.....what's with you and Kaulke. are you two gonna go all Katniss/Peeta on us?"
I blushed again, sitting up again and drawing my knees into my chest. Dovie and Gale were in their rooms, Zione was asleep, and Slaier and Satin were doing God knows what in his bedroom. I decided to bring that up instead. "What about Slaier and Satin? They'll be the ones going all lover on us in the arena!"
This was the first time Princilla spoke the entire time. "Actually, they're cousins. Mail Bronston is Satin's uncle."
I blushed and then cringed at what I thought they were doing in there. "Oh god! I feel like such a perv!"
The girl's burst into even louder laughter and only stopped when Dovie shouted swear words at us. We giggled more. Ana spoke again. "I can believe I'll never get married."
Morbid, but true. I lowered my head, thinking she was about to cry, but she wasnt. Brenanna spoke, "Yeah, but at least you've had sex, right? Nothing can trump sex. It's the dirtiest, funnest thing in a girl's lifetime."
I tried to keep my blush back. Licorice grinned, agreeing. "My first time was with Finnick Odair. Yeah, daddy probably paid for it, but it was totally worth it. He's, like, a god in bed. I though I would die from everything he did to me."
Okay, the blush grew. Brenanna was next. "Mine was with Plaite. When we were 14. Totally platonic. It was just to get it over with, you know?"
Princilla's bright red face made the attention turn to her, not me. And for a second I thought she'd be like me. Nope. "Mine was with a Seam boy, behind the Hob." I didnt know where those places were, but I realized she'd done it with a District boy and all of us laughed, joking with her. Licorice was quick to jump and ask what age. "It was only a few months ago. We'd just moved there."
I remembered hearing that 12 got a new Head Peacekeeper, straight from District 2. I cant imagine how hard it was for Princilla to move twice in a year. I was about to express my sympathies when Ana grinned at all of us. She had on her smug face. "Mine isnt nearly as yummy as Licorice's, but I totally romped with Fife," i remembered Fife from school. He was uber sexy and to die for. But he was three years older than us. I dont know what happened to him. "Yeah, and it was right on stage too. I asked Uncle Claudius to let us into the stage area and we did it right on the couches he interviews the Victors on."
All of us started to Joke on whether or not they recorded it, but Ana wouldnt tell. I frowned, she usually tells me everything. "When was this Ana?"
"Oh," she waved her hand. "When we were 15."
I pouted, "Thanks for telling me, your bestest friend in the whole wide world."
"Oh, Mickie! I forgot about you. What about you? Who's been banging your cute little body?" That brought everyone's attention from Ana to me. I felt my eyes widen and a blush cover my cheeks. I was about to formulate a lie when we all heard a cold chuckle. I whipped my head around to see Gale standing in the doorway. All of us jumped up when we saw him. I didnt know how long he'd been standing there. It was unnerving.
"You all are so shallow," he said, still standing in the same place in the doorframe. I glared. The other four werent talking. Then it was up to me.
"At least they've had intimate encounters. If it makes them feel good, then good for them. They're mature enough to handle it," I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my body.
"But I doubt none of you were in an intimate relationship. Exclusive. And one of you bought someone to have sex with. Obviously Capitolites have no moral values."
"I guess you would wait to be in a relationship before you ever did it?Right?"
"Of course. I'm not stupid."
"But you're a prude."
"Look at the pot calling the kettle black." Oh, he caught onto me. But behind me I doubt Ana and Licorice got what he meant. Brenanna had to whisper to the two girls what he was saying. Ana's loud 'oooh' made me turn red - half in embarresment, half in anger that Gale told my secret.
"At least I'm not waiting for the impossible."
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"It's obvious that Katniss never wouldve gone for you. Peeta Mellark could steal any girl away from you. If it werent his insane good looks," whoops, that was a lie. Gale was way hotter than the blonde,"then his charm would turn any girl on. I'm surprised that fake baby story wasnt real. I mean, she's probably headed that direction many times."
That got him. He took a dangerous step towards me.
I didnt have anything against him personally. But he had nothing against me. It was our pride in our homes that made us as ferocious as we were. But I didnt care. I'll defend the Capitol until the day I die.
"Fuck you," he hissed.
"Well Skrew you!" came my retort.
That's when Ana so cleverly put in, "This is where she's supposed to jump him and he throws her against the wall in hot, passionate sex."
That only made me turn even redder. But everyone ignored Ana and her romantic drama books. "Get out. You had no right to invade our conversation."
"I'm your mentor. I had every right to chaperone an underage party."
"Actually, I'm totally 18, so if you wanna throw someone ag-..." Licorice trailed off, silenced by the hidious glares Gale and I were both giving her. This was our fight.
"This isnt a party, it's the last time we'll ever see each other in a friendly way. So get out. You hardly know us."
I shoved him. I took that leap from words to violence. And I pissed off my mentor - my life support while in the games. Gale stumbled slightly, but only rose a brow at my lack of strength. For a moment I thought he was about to strike back, but Dovie appeared behind him.
Her natural bleached blonde hair was pulled back into a tight knot at the back of ehr head, and she was sporting a robe. Her face held a horrible glare. "Get out. Wake up the two in the corner and leave. I'm sure if your mentors dont let you back in, the Elevator is probably very comfortable."
Behind me I heard my friends groan. Ana was the one who went to wake up Eevaline and Rose. I turned away from Gale and helped to get all their stuff.
When they were in the elevator - Slaier standing behind me complaining I ruined his cousin bonding session - Dovie growled at me and Gale.
"You two are idiots. Dumber than any person I've ever met. I know how you so loathe each other, but do it in private, not in a shouting match!" With that she turned and left. I stood there, not knowing what to do as Slaier jogged back to his room. Gale didnt even look at me before leaving. So I was left alone. And the only thing I can think to do when I'm alone is to cry.
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