Chapter Six

I was handed a bag by an Avox - looks like the rebels hadnt freed them either. I grimaced, opening it. However, inside was not the bomb that I had imagined. It was a new set of clothing. And they were decent. Jeans, boots, and a shirt. Nice clothing. I smiled. As soon as everyone had their new clothes on, we were let into the center. It was bigger than I had imagined. Capitol residents werent even allowed inside this area, for the dangerous weapons it contained. my grandfather hadnt even been in this room for more than ten minutes, to speak to the Gamemakers privatly once.
It was, though, just like the television programs made it out to be. There was the Archery station in the back corner - I noticed Fara went directly there. Snake, followed by Xander and Satose, went directly to the Hand-to-Hand combat area opposite of the Archery area. I noticed Water and Rhanona playing with the Camouflage station. Licorice soon joined them. Minke and Porter soon joined the gruff looking trainer at the weightlifting station. I was about to join Shia, Kaulke, and Plaite but I realized they were frequenting the Boxing area. I shuddered and turned away. I watched Satin and Slaier move to the side at the Spears station. I thought Princilla would join them, but she veered off to climb stuff. I approached Ana, who looked as lost as I was, when Walter brushed by and went to the spears section. Brenanna was right behind him. It left me, Ana, Herc, and the three other girls to fend for ourselves.
Herc gave me his disdainful look before dashing over to the Edible Plans while Clayre, Rose, and Eevaline - heads bowed - walked to the knots section. Ana and I turned to each other.
"Fires," I agreed, and we both moved to the fires. We spent the remainder of the day playing with coal, sticks, matches, flints, and all the other fun stuff that goes with flames. When the day finished, we were all whisked away by our mentors and promply delivered back at our suites at the Tribute Tower.
The next day Ana and I were joined by Herc at the shealter station, but eventually he migrated towards the three girls and Ana and I moved to the knots. We spent the next day in the edible plants. That night, Gale and I got into another shouting match.
"I dont have to do ANYthing you tell me!!! I could spend my entire week learning to a tree! You have no say in anything!!"
"I have every say! I'm the one getting you sponsors and crap."
"Yeah, and I used to have a flying unicorn! You've done nothing this week but mack on women. I've seen you, I'm not blind! Attacking people who look like Katniss does no good. Forget her, cause she obviously does not want to see you, or else you would have gone to visit her JAIL cell!"
I honestly thought Gale would slap me, but he didnt and instead stalked away.
The fourth day was spent in the camouflage, climbing, and the edible plants again.
On the fifth and final day, I was content spending it tying knots or painting Ana's face, but she turned me towards the knives section. I put my hands up in a physical barrier. "No."
"Yes, Mickie, I know you wanna wait until they let us go or something, but what if someone like Snake or Fara attacks us?"
I was quiet.
Gale would be happy at least. The thought of him turned my attention back to the friends and family interviews done this week. What he said. My silence caused Ana to pull me over to the knives.
Of course, neither of us could lift the large, sword-like knives, but when they handed us daggers, it gave me a weird feeling of power. By the end of the day I could strike a bullseye. The trainer looked at me funny before telling me I had a gift. Ana, though could hardly get the knife to stick to something. I grimaced when she gave me a jealous glare.
At the end of the training sessions, Plutarch approached us all and told us we were preforming for the gamemakers, who would probably be drunk by the time I got there - like the ones last year, and the year before. I could usually sit in the back watching silently. So we all went in, but I was last. I wished my friends all good luck, and when it was my turn I entered slowly and just sat on the ground. My arms went up over my chest and I closed my eyes defiantly. It was fifteen or so minutes before they got fed up and let them open the doors for me to run out.
I would tell Gale about this.
As soon as the day was over and I was alone with Gale, I turned on him. "I know they film all the family and friends interviews during the week of training, what'd you say?"
"They found your old nurse, who adored you. They interviewed Marek, and even got a few words out of Zione of how perfect a sister you are. School teachers told of your intelligence. Johanna read your entire history."
"I know what my friends will say, what did you tell?"
"That you were stupid, but admirable."
That tickled me, and suddenly my fierceness softened and I looked up at him, "Really?"
He nodded. The elevator opened and we both went to dinner. After dinner we all sat in the living room, waiting to listen to the training scores.
Snake got a 10.
Water got a 2.
Ashton, a 4.
Brenanna, a 7.
Walter got a 9.
Rhanona got a 3.
Satose, a 6.
Licorice got a 6 also.
Xander got a 3.
Fara got an outstanding 11.
Plaite got a 9.
Rose, a 3.
Kaulke got an 8.
Clayre got a 4.
Herc got a disappointing 1 - even lower than the 12 year olds.
Princilla got a 5, which surprised me.
Porter got a 7.
Ana, too, got a 7.
Shia got an 11, to which i smiled at.
Satin, a 10.
Minke got an 8.
Eevaline got a 6.
Slaier - to his surprise, and disdain - only got an 8.
I was grinning when we came to me, for I thought for sure they'd give me a big fat zero, but instead my face popped up on the screen next to a big fat 12. I sat with my mouth open as Slaier yelled and then stormed into his room, Dovie chased after him.
"I dont get it," I wimpered. Gale sat there, looking uncomfortable. But slowly, he reached out and pat my back. "I did nothing! I literally sat there until they let me out. Gale, why'd they give me a 12?"
"To make others hate you," was his simple answer. He stood, leaving me to my own. I crawled into Zione's bed that night, cooing into his ear as he fell asleep.
The next morning Nicolli and Marek appeared to dressed me. Today I was in the Hunger Games.
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